Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 - Lynmouth to Hunter's Inn

Stage Distance: 7 miles (Total Distance: 28.5 miles)

The second day of our weekend away in Lynton and the weather was clear and sunny.  Starting from Lynmouth, we took the cliff railway up to Lynton and then followed the path out along the cliffs to the Valley of Rocks.  We then continued through the Lee Abbey estate and had lunch on Crock Point with lovely views back to Lee Abbey and the tower on Duty Point.  

There followed a section of woodland walking through Croscombe Wood and Woodybay Wood and then along the cliff path to the impressive Hollow Brook waterfall.  On reaching Heddon's Mouth we followed the coast path inland until we parted company with it at the small stone bridge and continued inland to The Hunter's Inn for nice cuppa and the reunion with the car.

Logistics: Parked at Hunter's Inn and booked a taxi back to Lynmouth (cost £12).
GPS Track: 4 - Lynmouth to Hunter's Inn (20100925).kmz
Images: 4 - Lynmouth to Hunter's Inn