Saturday, January 29, 2011

7 - Ilfracombe to Woolacombe

Stage Distance: 8 miles (Total Distance: 49 miles)
Decent, although cold, weather and the first free weekend since Christmas.  Retraced our steps back to Torrs Walk Avenue in Ilfacombe and re-joined the coast path.  Following a zig-zag climb up Seven Hills the walk is across open fields past Breakneck and Brandy Cove Points, with their smuggling connections, to Flat Point where a metalled road descends to Lee Bay.   After a quick lunch by the Lee Bay Hotel we headed up towards Damage Cliffs.  Between this point and Bull Point, the path drops 200ft and rises again twice.  The razor-sharp rocks at Bull Point are very impressive and it's obvious why they are treacherous if you're a boat!

The guide book was encouraging when it came to seeing seals along the coast around Rockham Beach but no such luck for us.  The sun came out as we approached Morte Point which higlighted the jagged rocks as well as forming some nice crepuscular rays over Baggy Point in the middle distance.

Once we had rounded Morte Point, Woolacombe and the wide sweep of Woolacombe Sand became visible.  We're in for a few flat stages from here on. 

Logistics: Parked in Woolacombe and caught the 31 bus back to Ilfracombe.
GPS Track: 7- Ilfracombe to Woolacombe (20110129).kmz 
Images: 7 - Ilfracombe to Woolacombe